The Polar Bear, Chicken Soup and Friends
– “The Polar Bear, Chicken Soup and Friends” reveals the importance of friendship. It teaches the reader that nothing should come between friends. It also reminds the reader what delicious chicken soup is and how it can always make one feel better.-

“The Polar Bear, Chicken Soup and Friends” introduces four friends: Bear, Penguin, Seal, and Walrus. They enjoy playing ball near the orca pond. One day, Bear kicks the ball too hard, and it goes over Seal’s head. Seal insists Bear kicked it hard on purpose, yet Bear explains it was an accident. During their quarrel, the ball lands in the orca pond. Orca whale does not like things entering the pond. The friends are disappointed they lost the ball. Bear feels very sad and becomes sick.
With the help of Professor Sammy and his recipe for chicken soup, Bear begins to feel better and retrieves the ball. The friends apologize to one another and their friendship is saved. Afterward, they all enjoy delicious chicken soup.
“The Polar Bear, Chicken Soup and Friends” reveals the importance of friendship. It teaches the reader that nothing should come between friends. It also reminds the reader what delicious chicken soup is and how it can always make one feel better.


Children must find it enjoyable and rewarding to learn so they can develop a sustained level of motivation necessary for long-term achievement

When I approach a child, he inspires in me two sentiments - tenderness for what he is and respect for what he may become
- Louis
Pasteur, chemist and biologist

Perseverance is the drive that helps children get past the hard stuff.
Work toward your goals even if there is a delay in getting it

Doug Brown is a self-published Author, Television Program Director, Independent Film Producer, videographer, and video editor. Doug currently works in a small city school district in New York where he started as a substitute teacher. He also worked as a teaching assistant to elementary-age students and has served as a recreation counselor to five and six-year-old children. In 2009 Doug produced a short film entitled, “It Couldn’t Be Me”, targeted toward teens. He enjoys working with children and loves inspiring them to live their dreams. He has a love for children’s books and wrote his graduate thesis on the Portrayal of African-American Males in Children’s books.